Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My Outreach Family 12-13

Last night, we had a Christmas potluck/ Secret Santa party at Sharon's apartment. Her Christmas decorations and her (REAL) Christmas tree were up just in time! 

I can't even begin to express how thankful I am for these brothers and sisters in Christ but we attempted to do that very thing over dinner, targeting one person at a time going around in a circle. It was such a great time of encouragement with some laughter and even a little bit of tears *.* 

Stepping out of my comfort zone and dying to my pride has been one of my biggest struggles this quarter but also one of my biggest blessings. Through EV time, I was able to get to know a couple people on my campus and just share a few minutes with them amidst our busy schedules to talk about their religion in response to my love story with Christ. It's a great opportunity to share the Gospel with people who have never heard (and surprisingly, almost every single person in PC is open to hearing what it's all about- some people even curious and eager) and just spend a few minutes to get the thought of religion into the minds of people who just didn't care before. 

KCM Outreach ministry has seriously been such a big blessing and I am so thankful for the opportunity to serve the one and only King with some of these amazing people. God has been showing me His heart for lost through the their lives and the way they prioritize the Great Commission. 
And we all know that this personal sacrifice of our time is absolutely nothing compared to what our Father did for us on the cross.

A fake candid & a surprise from my Secret Santa!! 

Come check it out, EV Thursday 5PM Geisel Snakehead. 
Special candycane encouragement Christmas event this Friday 3PM. 

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