Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My Outreach Family 12-13

Last night, we had a Christmas potluck/ Secret Santa party at Sharon's apartment. Her Christmas decorations and her (REAL) Christmas tree were up just in time! 

I can't even begin to express how thankful I am for these brothers and sisters in Christ but we attempted to do that very thing over dinner, targeting one person at a time going around in a circle. It was such a great time of encouragement with some laughter and even a little bit of tears *.* 

Stepping out of my comfort zone and dying to my pride has been one of my biggest struggles this quarter but also one of my biggest blessings. Through EV time, I was able to get to know a couple people on my campus and just share a few minutes with them amidst our busy schedules to talk about their religion in response to my love story with Christ. It's a great opportunity to share the Gospel with people who have never heard (and surprisingly, almost every single person in PC is open to hearing what it's all about- some people even curious and eager) and just spend a few minutes to get the thought of religion into the minds of people who just didn't care before. 

KCM Outreach ministry has seriously been such a big blessing and I am so thankful for the opportunity to serve the one and only King with some of these amazing people. God has been showing me His heart for lost through the their lives and the way they prioritize the Great Commission. 
And we all know that this personal sacrifice of our time is absolutely nothing compared to what our Father did for us on the cross.

A fake candid & a surprise from my Secret Santa!! 

Come check it out, EV Thursday 5PM Geisel Snakehead. 
Special candycane encouragement Christmas event this Friday 3PM. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour

My friends picked me up at my house around 10PM and drove off without one word as to where we were going. I was clueless the entire ride until we got there. I guess they wanted to experience Farrell's birthday celebration as well as receive the free icecream sundae... So they dragged me there and told the worker that it was my birthday and man, the workers at Farrell's sure know how to embarrass people. My friends were sitting infront of me cracking up the entire time. Those little brats. 
Overall, though, it was an interesting experience and on top of the icecream sundae we received (thanks to my friends), we ordered the Icecream Nachos and it was absolutely delicious. 

Apartment Warming Gifts

My suitemates and I last year decided that we were going to get some cheap apartment warming gifts for eachother. So, after seeing this idea on pinterest, I got to work (with the help of my bestfriend who decided to make one for her apartmentmate too).
1. Buy a mug (Got ours at the Dollar Tree for a dollar each)
2. Draw/ write a cute design/ saying with a plain ol' sharpie
3. Plop them into the oven at 350 degrees F for about 30 minutes
4. Leave em out to cool (cus they get hot!)
5. Wrap em up and there!- the perfect present
(These are supposed to be washable after putting them in the oven but we shall see about that. *Fingers crossed.)

I wrote the first letter of everyone name on the front of the mug and a saying "She loves her *enter favorite drink here*) while Angeline wrote on both her and her apartmentmate's mug "We love our tea". Both turned out to be very very cute!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Celebrating with my favorite people

Thank you guys all for making my petty little birthday such an amazing one. I am truly blessed. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Meet my bestfriend.

So this is my bestfriend. Her name is Angeline aka Angie. We have spent almost everyday of this summer together yet we still manage to tell eachother we miss eachother during the hours that we spend apart. We always have the best of times, even if we're spending countless seconds- minutes- hours at the grocery store in the middle of the night because we have nothing better to do with our lives. 
These are pictures from a brunch we had in Downtown Fullerton a couple weeks back at a small restaurant called Rialto Cafe. We decided to share a side of the Potato salad with a Caprese Panini which seemed extremely simple but turned out to be absolutely delicious. And of course we left the cafe, telling eachother that we are going to try making that 'simple' panini when we get back home- words coming from cooking virgins. We were actually supposed to cook/ bake once a week before school started again so we can learn to make our own food at our respective new apartments, but that really didn't quite work out. Oh well, maybe I'll post pictures from our one of few baking/ cooking attempts this summer, next. "Baking/ Cooking with noobs"- but that's what makes it fun, right? ;)

Rebel T3i

Canon EOS Rebel T3i/ EOS 600D

My long awaited very own DSLR has finally been delivered to me today! I've actually been tracking the package since the day I ordered it. When I found out it was to be shipped out and delivered to me today, I woke up super giddy and I waited eagerly looking out my window every time I heard a car drive by. Yes, I am a loser. But it was partly because I was excited to go shooting today to learn some tips from my friend Michelle. Unfortunately, the package came at 8 in the evening when I was all bummed out from waiting at home all day. Needless to say, I am beyond excited and I cannot wait to start exploring all of it's functions : ).

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Collector's Item: Wrist Watch

On my bucket list: start a collection of affordable watches to pair with my outfits

These adorable floral watches would be the perfect accessory to a cute spring outfit

I am seriously a sucker for these corny lines/jokes/symbolisms (or whatever you call it). It says "Once upon a time" on a watch that's telling time! After a minute passes of looking at the watch, it becomes a "once upon a time". Haha! Love it

Not really understanding this mustache phase but seriously lovin the stretchy band on this cute gold-tone metal watch

Ooh, these are a little different. Love how they're multifunctional: a chunky bracelet and a watch!

Ok, I'll admit, some of these are a little on the pricier end, but jeez, a d o r a b l e 
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7

Monday, August 27, 2012

God of Comfort

"And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort." 2 Corinthians 1:7

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Because You are good

Day 2 of the Anaheim Harvest Crusade began at 4pm this Sunday afternoon, thankfully as the sun started to set and the weather got a little cooler. My brother and I decided to attend after a church service in Anaheim which was just 10 minutes away from the Angels Stadium where it took place. It was an awesome experience. Worship was led by the Harvest Band followed by Jeremy Camp and MercyMe. Joining hands with our neighbors, lifting them up and praising one God together in a stadium full of hopeful Christians -both young and old- was an incredible feeling. Just a few song lyrics by these amazing artists who gave up their life to be used by the Lord with their amazing gifts:

"Power in hand speaking the Father's plan
You're sending us out, light in this broken land
We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb
and the word of our testimony, everyone overcome"
Overcome -Jeremy Camp

"I can only imagine what it will be like, when I walk by Your side...
I can only imagine, what my eyes will see, when Your face is before me!
I can only imagine. I can only imagine. 
Surrounded by Your Glory, what will my heart feel?
Will I dance for you, Jesus? Or in awe of You, be still?
Will I stand in your presence, or to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing 'Hallelujah!'? Will I be able to speak at all?"
I Can Only Imagine- MercyMe
This song seriously gets me so excited to meet with Jesus face to face... :o)

The event came to a close as Pastor Greg Laurie spoke about the Nicodemus and his encounter with Jesus Christ, informing all of us the realness of the Gospel message while quoting the famous John 3:16. The Gospel seriously never gets old. It was just an added blessing to watch the field filling up with people eager to experience Jesus Christ for themselves. I think it literally went from a hundred or so people to about over five thousand people (as you can see in the pictures below). Such a beautiful sight. God is good.

And here is today's outfit OOTD: 

INDIA July 2- August 3


            This summer, I had been enrolled in a few classes in Paris, France. I was planning on studying abroad. However, I was able to rethink my plans for the summer and actually take some time to pray about God’s plan for me with constant encouragement from my KCM small group. It wasn’t all that easy though. In the beginning, out of the sinfulness of my heart, I was thinking of ways that I would be pleasing God in France to use as an excuse not to think about missions. After a while though, I just learned to ask God. I asked him what He really wanted me to do and that’s when I received a strange conviction to go on missions.
            Missions in India this summer was an amazing experience. I learned what it really means to grow in my relationship with Jesus Christ, I was also able to see the urgency of the Gospel message, but what really made the biggest impact in my heart this summer was the meaning of faith in God.
            For about four days, our team did ministry at St. Paul School in a city called Berikai. After school ended, we got a chance to bus to a couple of the villages nearby. One of the villages we stopped at was called the untouchables group village. This little community is composed of people in the lowest caste system in India. People live in little huts on made on dirt floor. As soon as I walked in, I could sense the lack of hope in the lives of the people. Gathering a crowd in a small corner of the village, we started off by doing a couple songs and skits. After a short while, and with insistent prayer, we started the Obsession skit. The whole time we were performing this skit, I looked up to see an elderly lady that was nodding her head and watching very intently. I wanted to talk to her so I went up to her and gave her a hug and although she didn’t know very much English, I explained that there was a God that loved her very much and that believing in Jesus Christ can get her into Heaven where there is eternal life and pointing at the Bindi red dot on her forehead, I told her that it’s not Hinduism which teaches about many different gods but that there is only one true God. She looked at me and took the Bindi off her forehead and threw it on the ground and asked me to pray for her, giving me the biggest hug. Since that incident, I wondered why God would use someone so weak and foolish like me, but that’s the crazy part- God wants to use weak and foolish people like us to do His great work. We just have to be usable.
            Through the lives of the missionaries in India, I was able to see what it meant to be usable and I learned that it requires complete faith in God. Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as being certain of something we do not see. I find that extremely difficult and there are times when I doubt and struggle but through them all, I’m learning what it takes to lay down my idols and really die to myself and carry out the cross day by day. One of the main things I learned from Missionary Chung’s lifestyle in India is how to live a life with the mindset of “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart” (Job 1:21). We leave this earth with nothing left of this world. As I learn and grow in my faith, I desire to be a woman completely usable for God, submitting everything that I have accumulated in this earth to Him who made me.

Philippians 1:21 “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain”-- that is my prayer.

Through the Looking Glass of Instagram

India 2k12- Rooftop overlooking the city of Bangalore.
Late-night snacking.
A new found love for books and Barnes&Noble.
An infinite time to spend with my bestfriends.